Wholesale Made Easy

Grow your business with Bundlex! We guarantee the best prices on the latest fashion trends.

Shop our selection of 70+ premium italian Brands with discounts up to 80%off!

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Why Bundlex

Original premium brands

Shop our selection of original items of clothing that have been carefully selected by our buying experts from trusted Brands

Maximize sales and turnover

Buy only what you need. Choose the right quantities and sizes for your clientele and checkout with a minimum order of €500

Fast shipment

Cheap shipping and fast delivery. Within 48h of placing it, your order will be shipped. Or you can directly pick it up from our warehouse it Italy

Trusted By

Our Numbers

Bundlex is the latest creature of Take Off, a B2B trading company that is proud to be part of the sustainable ecosystem of the fashion industry.
Take Off specialized in the distribution of off-price apparel, shoes, accessories, and home décor items from top Italian and European brands.
Established in 2015, Take Off has become the market leader in Eastern Europe with more than 120 Fashion Brands and more than 19 million items sold.
Pieces on the shelves
Ready to be shipped as soon as the payment goes through
Orders per day
Each one of them meticulously prepared
The years we’ve spent doing the job we love
To make sure you will have the best experience
Brands that we carry
To give you a wide selection of items
The size of our showroom
There for you to visit

Trusted by the world’s leading fashion players

“We sell Bundlex only the best products we have to offer,
which is why we always make a point of letting them see our stock first.”

Greta Villella - Sales Director, Global Brands Group

“We trust Bundlex to always pick our best pieces due to
their many years of experience in the field”

Giulio Palozza - Wholesale director, Patrizia Pepe

“Bundlex have been our clients for around 6 years – we couldn’t ask for better ones”

Gaetano Casillo - Retail Merchandising Manager, Antony Morato
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